
Donore Project Update October 2023


Donore Parish Church Lands, Zoning motion not agreed

Motion Retention of Z15 zoning on entirety of Church lands ref. Page 564 amendment to Draft Guiding Principles Map E Material Alteration Ref E-0122 Motion. This council supports the retention of Z15 zoning on the entirety of Church Land and accordingly rejects Material Alteration E-0122 Planning Reason Reason – Th eZ15 zoning “Community and Social […]


Donore Project Consultative Forum replaces STG Regeneration Board

Donore Project Consultative Forum (DPCF) replaces St. Teresa’s Regeneration Board as the vehicle for mutual exchange and information sharing regarding development that affects the community. Since all of the residents of St. Teresa’s Gardens have now been relocated (some to the 54 newly completed Margaret Kennedy Road/Court houses and apartments), and the last two remaining […]