Members of the DPCF (alphabetically)
- Ann Canning, Eugene and Cameron Street Residents
- Fearghal Connolly, Manager, Donore Community Drug and Alcohol Team
- Father David Corrigan, Donore Parish Church
- Cllr Máire Devine, Dublin City Council
- Martin Donlon, Dublin City Council
- Declan Hayden, Community Liaison Coordinator, Land Development Agency
- Josephine Henry, Dublin City Community Cooperative
- Billy Hicks, Sporting Liberties
- Karen Jordan, Principal, St. Catherine’s National School
- Sinead Kerins, Rehoboth Place Resident Group
- Angela King, HSE Health Promotion & Improvement Officer for Stakeholder Engagement and Communications
- David McAuley, Donore Credit Union
- Laura O’Gorman, Dublin City Council
- Breda O’Hara, Tenters Residents Association
- Bruce Phillips, Area Manager, South Central Area, Dublin City Council
- Cllr. Michael Pidgeon, Dublin City Council
- Claire Pomroy, Senior Development Manager, Hines Real Estate Ireland
- Martin Quirke, Margaret Kennedy Road and Court Resident Group
Dublin City Council
Two elected Dublin City councillors are represented on DPCF, and in addition two places on the Forum are held by senior DCC officials. Dublin is an international capital city and is the economic engine of the region and the State. Dublin City Council seeks to enhance the city’s attractiveness as a place in which to invest, to work, to live and to visit. It takes a leading role in shaping the strategic vision for the city. The City Council has a total annual expenditure (between revenue and capital) of close to €1.6 billion and a workforce of c.5,600 full-time employees.
It provides a broad range of services and infrastructure to both citizens and visitors to Dublin to sustain the life of the city. These services include the provision of housing, planning, development, environmental, roads and traffic, fire and emergency, leisure and community services.
Land Development Agency
The LDA are a commercial, State-sponsored body that has been created to coordinate land within State control for more optimal uses where appropriate, with a focus on the provision of housing.
The LDA will improve the way the housing market functions by:
- Working with State bodies and Local Authorities to make more effective use of State lands, providing a stable, sustainable supply of land for housing.
- Improving the planning system to facilitate State lands being used for housing.
- Acquiring and developing land in a selective, targeted way that boosts housing supply.
- Delivering rental market initiatives that provide affordable mass-market tenure.
- Investing in research and innovation to identify new and better ways to deliver new homes.
- Providing high-level expertise underpinned by robust governance.